A record number of people registered for the Veganuary campaign this year. The aim of Veganuary is to encourage people to try veganism, just for a month but people often find they love the lifestyle change so much they never go back. This comes after dairy-free cheese (I mean, Gary) has made headlines for surpassing expected sales by 300%, and people just couldn’t stop talking about vegan fried chicken. It’s clear that veganism is on the up.Here’s what to look out for in 2017, plus an excuse to droll over some delicious food porn.
Meat substitutes
The recent queues at the opening of Temple of Seitan’s vegan fried chicken joint is testament to how much vegans love a good meat alternative.
Temple of Seitan have joined the likes of other vegan food stops in London, like What the Pitta!’s and their mouthwatering döner kebab made from soy meat, and we can’t forget The Full Nelson’s juicy seitan burger.
Світлину опубліковано користувачем The Full Nelson Deptford (@thefullnelsondeptford) Січ 21, 2017 о 4:37 PST
Brands are also paying attention with Quorn finally upping their game by adding fishless fingers to their vegan range, while sales of Fry’s alternatives including nuggets and prawns plus the ever-popular Linda McCartney range continue to soar.
You certainly won’t have trouble getting your hands on a delicious meat alternative to try.
Vegetables at the centre
Whether it’s a bid to lead healthier lifestyles, be more considerate for the planet or save money, more people are opting for plant-based choices.
With chains such as Las Iguanas and All Bar One creating vegan menus for Veganuary and Zizzi introducing dairy-free cheese in 2016 businesses have become savyy to the vegan pound.
Expect to see more vegetable and pulse-based options in all types of establishments as well as clearly labelled menus. Plant-based meal delivery services or food boxes like Bonapeti and Mindful Chef will become more popular as people want to prepare more veg-centric dishes at home.
Tacos have been hyped as the dish of 2017. However any vegan worth their Himalayan rock salt knows that London street food bosses Club Mexicana well and truly put tacos on the map back in 2015 and subsequently caused a whole load of tofish (fish-flavoured tofu) addictions.
But that doesn’t mean we can’t continue to love tacos as the rest of London gets on this taste train. Taco Queen also do a mean vegan option and Wahaca will happily veganise their veggie tacos.
A recent yoga brunch by The V Spot and VegansofLdn served raw tacos of walnut-meat, paprika cashew cream and pumpkin seeds showing just how versatile – and delicious – this dish can be.
As people question their food’s origins and develop an awareness of its effect on the environment and communities the farm-to-table that has already swept the States is now making an impact in London.
Grain Store is already notorious for its locally sourced menu featuring several vegan options and The Herb Lab supperclub is one to check out with a focus on the health benefits of locally sourced or foraged plants.
Edible gardens are gaining popularity with places like the Adam & Eve and Farmopolis growing their own.
Nutritional Yeast
Or nooch as it’s known to friends.
#nutritionalyeast back in stock #yeast #vegancheese #cheesereplacement
Світлину опубліковано користувачем Healthycornersby (@healthycornersby) Січ 21, 2017 о 5:21 PST
It may look like fish food but for those in the known this is an umani-packed flavouring bursting with B12 that can be used to make dishes cheesy or creamy like Oh She Glows’ cheese sauce. Pret use it in their crisped kale which is basically smack.
Expect to see it in a lot more dishes as more people look for delicious dairy alternatives.