I’m not really a chocolate person, yet when it comes to a certain time of the month (yep sorry if that’s too much info) I absolutely crave it! I don’t think it’s the chocolate so much; I think it’s more the sugar or ‘lack of it’ during that time the rest of the month it’s savory every single time. So I search for an easy recipe, because I like easy and something I had all the ingredients for and hey presto ‘all recipes‘ came up trumps!
Being vegan doesn’t mean you do without treats, in fact being vegan means you get more and feel good about it afterwards!
Now that’s how it should be 🙂
p.s there is a slight change to the recipe above, as I’d seen somewhere that if you substitute the vinegar for balsamic vinegar it gives it a much nicer taste – which I have to say is spot on!
This cake is moist, light and very yummy!
What you’ll need:
200g self-raising flour
200g caster sugar
4 table spoons of cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon of salt
5 tablespoons of oil (I used rapeseed)
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
1 dessert spoon of balsamic vinegar
250ml of water
What you’ll need to do:
Preheat oven to 180 degree’s, gas 4 and lightly grease a loaf tin or line it with parchment paper.
Then mix the flours, caster sugar and cocoa together in a bowl. Add the oil, vanilla essence and vinegar and water and mix until it’s a nice smooth paste.
Pour the mixture into the tin and then bake for around 45 minutes. You’ll know it’s ready when the knife you stick in is clean and it smells delicious!