United Kingdom-based supermarket chain Sainsbury’s reported that sales of its vegan cheeses surpassed the company’s predictions by 300%. The supermarket launched five vegan coconut milk-based cheeses last year under the brand FreeFrom.After a comical viral social media campaign that sought to rename all vegan cheeses “Gary” last October, Sainsbury’s new vegan cheeses have received widespread media attention. UK residents also embraced vegan options at the flagship all-vegetarian location of Veggie Pret, which reported a 70% increase in profits since its launch last year.
“The growth in the vegan trade [in the UK] has been astronomical,” said VegfestUK organiser Tim Barford, who has as a result organised a new VegFest Trade Event: “we now need a dedicated trade event where only trade buyers and media can attend, ensuring maximum sales and exposure for vegan businesses in the UK, resulting in added accessibility for vegan consumers nationwide.”
In the last decade, the number of vegans in the UK has increased by 360% according the Vegan Society.