Home Health 5 things that happen to your body once you quit dairy

5 things that happen to your body once you quit dairy


Many of us love dairy. Particularly cheese. Even to the point where it’s like crack to us, apparently. With Veganuary being one of the hottest New Year resolution trendsthough, you may just be trying to give it up right now. Either because you want to be healthier, or just believe it’s unnatural. But what exactly happens to a body when you give up the dairy habit of a lifetime? Here are five things you can probably expect.

1) Your digestion could improve

65 per cent of the world’s population have a difficulty digesting milk, according to the US National Library of Medicine.

It varies significantly between ethnic groups but there’s a good chance that you may have had digestive problems caused by dairy. It may have been so mild you just weren’t aware of it.

Lactose intolerance causes bloating, flatulence, diarrhoea and stomach cramps says the NHS. You could notice a lot less of this.

2) Fewer spots

Put away the make up and concealer – once you quit dairy you might find that you don’t need them anymore.

Research suggests milk is a stimulant of acne, as it contains anabolic steroids as well as growth hormones.

An overview of various studies into the impact of milk on spots in 2013 agreed that milk was likely to be a high GI food. These are foods that are easily and quickly absorbed into your system, causing a spike in hormones that instigate sebum production, a chemical that causes spots.

So don’t be surprised if you have a better complexion upon quitting dairy.

3) You’ll be cutting your risk of cancer

Women, your risk of ovarian cancer might be reduced if you cut out the milk. This study found that those who drank the equivalent of three or more glasses of milk a week had a moderately increased risk of developing ovarian cancer.

A Harvard study of men moreover found evidence to suggest that dairy products and calcium had a link to prostate cancer.

Men who consumed over 600mg of calcium a day in dairy products, around two servings, had an increased risk of 34 per cent.

4) ..and your risk of diabetes

Studies have suggested a link between dairy and diabetes. This one found a strong link between yogurt and the increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, for example.

5) You won’t have weaker bones

It might go against everything you’ve ever been told about why you should drink milk. But it turns out, it might not help you prevent broken bones in adult life as much as you thought.

This landmark study from Harvard of nearly 78,000 women found no evidence that higher intakes of calcium can prevent fractures of hips and elbows.

Of course, it’s still an important part of a balanced diet, a lack of which can lead to rickets and osteoporosis in later life. But there a lot of other ways you can get your calcium, such as baked beans.


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