Veganism is so hot right now, and there are plenty of ethical, health-related and environmental reasons to partake in it, even if it’s for just a little while.
Recently Bey and Jay did a little vegan stint, but other celebs are adopting the lifestyle full-time.
Here’s a little run-down of some famous vegans and their reasoning for eschewing brie.
Natalie Portman
As well as caring about animals and stuff, Natalie Portman maintains a plant-based diet because of her gorgeous skin, ‘I’m vegan and I drink a lot of water.
If I have dairy I immediately break out.’
Leona Lewis
X Factor winner Leona is an out-and-out animal lover who refuses to wear any by-products.
Power to the Animals
Ellie Goulding
Another Brit singer to go vegan is health-nut Goulding.
She said, ‘I went vegan a few months ago. I feel leaner and healthier.’
Ellen DeGeneres
The chat-show host is a vocal vegan. She even had a vegan wedding; here’s Ellen talking about it.
Thandie Newton
The actress had quite a realisation here:
while expressing my milk realised that the equivalent for cows is my milk going to the mouths of people who murder and eat my family #VEGAN
Ellen Page
Page has been vegan for a while and is pretty outspoken about it, ‘Why are vegans made fun of while the inhumane factory farming process regards animals and the natural world merely as commodities to be exploited for profit?’
Arianna Grande
The miniature melody-maker does it for her love of critters, saying, ‘I love animals more than I love most people, not kidding. But I am a firm believer in eating a full plant-based, whole food diet that can expand your life length and make you an all-around happier person.’
The mysterious Australian songwriter tweeted in 2014 that she was going ‘fully vegan’ after years of vegetarianism.
12 May 14Hector Rocha @HectorRochas
@Sia miss seeing your lovely face. Come and visit me at#graciasmadre #xoxo
Rooney & Kate Mara
After getting some flack about her weight Rooney revealed her veganism, ‘Of course I eat. I eat a lot…I love to eat. But I’m a vegan.’
Her sister Kate said of her choice, ‘Every time we sit down to eat, we have a choice.
By choosing more meat-free meals, we’re saying ‘yes’ to better health, ‘yes’ to a better environment, and ‘yes’ to better treatment of animals.
Being vegan has been so good for me.
I’ve never felt better … I was a meat eater for a long time, and I would have made different choices in my diet if I had known the facts about factory farming.
I now feel it’s my moral obligation, and I’m very passionate about educating people on making better, more humane choices when it comes to the food we eat.’
Evanna Lynch
Our favourite ethereal witch said this in a speech recently, ‘killing and eating animals is a betrayal of our own core humanity,’ adding, ‘killing an innocent goes against our nature.’
Miley Cyrus
Our favourite good-girl-gone-politcal-and-raunchy is into ingesting all things green after she had an encounter with her fish
So there you go, 12 reasons to feel guilty about loving sausage rolls…