Home other 12 Defining Moments In Every Vegan’s Life

12 Defining Moments In Every Vegan’s Life


You know you’re an experienced vegan when you’ve lived all of these defining moments.

1. Finding out white sugar isn’t vegan.

That's right. Most conventional white sugar is filtered with bone char.

Via realitytvgifs.tumblr.com
That’s right. Most conventional white sugar is filtered with bone char.
2. Upgrading from Boca burgers to “whole food patties.”

Meat analogues are for amateurs. Quinoa and millet burgers for the win!

Via reactiongifs.com
Meat analogues are for amateurs. Quinoa and millet burgers for the win!

3. Purchasing a cookbook by Isa Chandra Moskowitz.
Bonus point if you start using the word "nooch" in place of nutritional yeast.
Via healthyeatingnews.net
Bonus point if you start using the word “nooch” in place of nutritional yeast.

4. Considering a move to Portland, OR solely based on the plethora of vegan options.

You can get almond milk lattes at the airport!

Via wannadobadthings.tumblr.com
You can get almond milk lattes at the airport!

5. Making avocado chocolate mousse.

The best part? Serving it to friends and family and asking them to guess the "secret ingredient."

Via reactiongifs.tumblr.com

The best part? Serving it to friends and family and asking them to guess the “secret ingredient.”

6. Purchasing a “nut milk” bag to make your own almond milk.

Hardcore vegan brownie points for making a nut milk that is not commercially available (i.e.: pecan milk, walnut milk).

Via reactiongifs.com
Hardcore vegan brownie points for making a nut milk that is not commercially available (i.e.: pecan milk, walnut milk).

7. Staying zen when asked questions about veganism that used to irritate you.

"Do you eat enough protein?"/ "Doesn't soy give you man-boobs?"/ "How are you not starving all the time?"/ "Would you eat an animal if it died of natural causes?"/ Etc...

Via reactiongifs.com

“Do you eat enough protein?”/ “Doesn’t soy give you man-boobs?”/ “How are you not starving all the time?”/ “Would you eat an animal if it died of natural causes?”/ Etc…
8. Mastering the art of getting nutritional yeast to stick to popcorn

Tip: Spray the popped kernels with olive or coconut oil, and *then* sprinkle the "nooch." Via reactiongifs.com

Tip: Spray the popped kernels with olive or coconut oil, and *then* sprinkle the “nooch.”

9. Feeling conflicted and hypocritical about the fact that your pet is not vegan.

When you Googled "can my cat be vegan?", you just ended up more confused.

Via cutecatgifs.com
When you Googled “can my cat be vegan?”, you just ended up more confused.

10. Becoming a hummus connoiseur and realizing most store brands don’t come close to your homemade recipe.

And you know hummus is the best salad dressing!

Via realitytvgifs.tumblr.com

And you know hummus is the best salad dressing!

11. Knowing the protein content of every single vegetable.

You know you've achieved "expert vegan" status when you've memorized the protein content of broccoli.

Via whatshouldbetchescallme.tumblr.com

You know you’ve achieved “expert vegan” status when you’ve memorized the protein content of broccoli.

12. Crafting a fantastic restaurant meal out of side dishes in less than 5 seconds.
Via reactiongifs.com

“I’ll have a side of plantains, a side of black beans, a side of guacamole, and a side of the sauteed spinach with garlic, please.”



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